Social media tips for business success

The social media tips you need to know for 2023

Feb 28, 2023

Social media is at the center of our culture, for both businesses and consumers. Social media continues to increase in popularity with seventy-two percent of U.S. adults using at least one social media app, and spending two hours and thirty minutes consuming content. With this continual increase in popularity, let's discuss a few ways that you can utilize social media to grow your business in 2023.

Be strategic

Being strategic on social media will lead to success. Start your strategy with clearly defined SMART goals. As a broker, your goals are in the realm of growing business through leads, retaining your current clients and brand recognition. 

Use social media to engage your audience and drive them to your website, gated content or to get a quote. Use the expertise you have about the insurance industry and what you know about your audience to build a year-long plan that builds engagement, trust and a pipeline full of new leads.

Keep high-value content gated

Gated content is content that is placed behind a lead capture form. When you create gated content, you’re asking people for their contact information in exchange for valuable information that is backed by expert analysis.

Gated content can be great for capturing leads and gauging interest in the products and services you offer. You may have a lot of insurance knowledge and that information can be valuable for your current and future clients. 

To gain traffic or leads to a specific piece of content, the content needs to be beneficial to them. Valuable content can be an e-book, white paper or a webinar that you’ve created. Privacy is important too, many people are past handing out their information for just another PDF they can find anywhere else that gives generic solutions. The content you are offering needs to be worthwhile to your leads. 

Respect each social media platform

LinkedIn, Facebook, TikTok and Instagram should not be treated the same. There was a time when creating one piece of content and pasting it across all social media platforms worked effectively, but that time has passed. When you are posting to multiple platforms, you need to be strategic in your posting. 

Here is a brief rundown of the top social media platforms and what content works best for each one:

  • LinkedIn content should be tailored to a business professional. Share content that will benefit administrators, HR professionals, C-suite executives and small business owners. 
  • TikTok works best with knowledgeable short-form video content because users want to learn and be entertained in a fast-paced environment.
  • Instagram started solely as a photo-sharing app, but it is quickly adapting and encouraging its users to create short-form video content to keep up with other social media sites. In addition to short-video content, Instagram is a great place to share eye-catching infographics and images for your feed as well as authentic behind-the-scenes footage for your stories. 
  • Facebook nowadays is used primarily to keep up with family, friends, and current events. But like Instagram, Facebook can be used as a successful tool when content is created with the intention of your audience being able to easily interact and share it.

When creating content, think about how it can be informative and engaging. Creating content that is beneficial to your followers encourages them to interact, building your trust with your current audience and expanding your content to new viewers. Using different parts of the content you’ve created can satisfy the different audiences you have.

Increase ad spending to increase engagement

Within social media, organic traffic is the viewers and engagement that your content receives without the help of a paid ad. While organic traffic is still possible on social sites like Facebook and Instagram with the help of hashtags and tagging, the algorithm heavily favors content that has been paid to be boosted. 

Many content creators are vying for attention and like digital ads and direct mail, ad spending is an important aspect of social media as well. When you start budgeting for the year, make sure to allocate a budget to social media for advertising and boosting posts. 

Advertising on social media is self-guided and gives you great options to find your intended audience with filters like interests, activities, industries and preferences. You don’t have to break the bank to run a successful social media campaign. You need a strategy with a defined target audience and compelling content.

With a well-planned and researched social media strategy, you can communicate to a diverse audience, build your brand and create a high-functioning lead pipeline.

Stay tuned for future articles where we'll explore more tips in greater depth and learn how implementing these tips will help you find success in generating leads, branding your business and building a consistent following on social media.

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